
October 24, 2019

การใช้แบบจําลองทางคณิตศาสตร์ และคอมพิวเตอร์ เพื่อการประยุกต์ในเกษตรกรรมฟาร์มปศุสัตว์

October 24, 2019

Double versus Single Cartridge of 4% Articaine Infiltration into the Retro – Molar Area for Lower Third Molar Surgery

Background : There are no studies regarding 4% articaine infiltration injection into the retro-molar area for an impacted […]
October 24, 2019


The research and networking-based collaboration between the Faculty of Engineering, Mahidol University (MU) and NewRail of Newcastle University […]
October 24, 2019

“Do – it – yourself Post – arthroplasty Rehabilitation Manual”

“Do-it-yourself post-arthroplasty rehabilitation manual” is designed for total knee arthroplasty (TKA) patients by researchers at Center of Calcium […]
October 24, 2019

Reinvigoration of the Thai Medicinal Plants through a New Approach

Background : Located at the center of ASEAN with its abundance in all kinds of natural resources including […]
October 24, 2019

A One – year Effective Reproduction Number of the 2014 – 2015 Ebola Outbreaks in the Widespread West African Countries and Quantitative Evaluation of Air Travel Restriction Measure

In this study, the authors exploited the WHO official reports on number of Ebola cases to construct an […]