
October 24, 2019

Drug Resistance Compound (High – Throughput Screening for Novel Compounds Contributed to Drug Resistance Malaria Parasites)

Malaria is a disease of poverty affecting 200-300 million people worldwide. In Thailand and its neighboring countries, the […]
October 24, 2019

Effects of Task – oriented Training after Action Observation and Brain Stimulation on Reaching and Grasping Performance in Individuals with Stroke

This is a double-blinded matched-pair study. To investigate the effects of task-oriented training after action observation and brain […]
October 24, 2019

Patani Malay – Thai Mother Tongue Based Bi/Multilingual Education in Thailand’s 4 Southern Border Provinces

The Mother Tongue-Based Bi/Multilingual Education (MTB MLE) project has been conducted by the Resource Center for Documentation and […]
October 24, 2019

A Regional Variation of Selected Ethnic Languages and Cultures in Southeast Asia

This research aims to compare languages and cultures of selected ethnic groups. It focuses on the linguistic and […]
October 24, 2019

The Hakka Digital Archive Project: Preserving Cultural Treasures and Promoting Cultural Rights in Thailand

Language and culture of any ethnic group is valuable ancestral heritage and intangible cultural heritage of any country. […]
October 24, 2019

Trade along the Multicultural ASEAN Plus Highway: Thailand – Myanmar – India

Trilateral Highway connects Moreh of Manipur state in the northeast of India, eastern gateway of India to ASEAN […]