The texture modified foods compensate for chewing difficulties or fatigue, improve swallowing safety and avoid asphyxiation. Modified texture ready to eat food for dysphagia management occurs throughout the world, but not in Thailand. Thus, this product will have a good opportunity in the Thai market. This product also improve the nutritional status and quality of life of the elderly with dysphagia because it contains high protein (21-25% energy from protein) and high energy (1.2-1.5 kcal/g). Being dense in protein and energy, it can be used as a supplementary food for cancer and stroke patients as well. The texture modified Riceberry rice jelly have to develop by sensory evaluation with the elderly with dysphagia. This will ensure that it’s texture is suitable for the elderly with dysphagia. The texture (viscosity) of a high protein and high energy Riceberry rice jelly can be classified as a puree diet of The National Dysphagia Diet Task Force (US standard) and Universal Design Food (Japan standard). It is homogenous, cohesive, smooth, pudding like, and no chewing required. One serving size (200 g) of Riceberry rice jelly contain 13 g protein, 8 g fat, 29 g carbohydrate and energy of 240 kcal.