Mahidol University Research EXpert Portal Overview

              The Mahidol University Research EXpert Portal is a dynamic showcase of the cutting-edge research conducted by our scholars.
It emphasizes the diverse, innovative projects and scholarly contributions that define our academic community.

Portal Highlights:
Research information is meticulously categorized, highlighting the depth of scholarly inquiry:
•  Research Projects/Grants: Spotlight on groundbreaking research endeavors and funding achievements.
•  Publications: Access to a comprehensive collection of research works authored by Mahidol scholars.
•  Research Activities: Insights into the active research landscape, including workshops, seminars, and collaborative efforts.
•  Media Coverage of Research: Featuring how our research is making an impact in the media.
•  Research Impacts: Showcasing the real-world applications and contributions of our research.
•  Awards for Research: Celebrating the accolades and recognitions received for scholarly contributions.
•  Data Collections: Curated databases resulting from extensive research efforts.
•  Student Research Theses: Highlighting the innovative research by our students.
•  Research Facilities/Equipment: Dedicated resources that propel our research forward.

This portal is a testament to the vibrant and impactful research carried out by Mahidol University’s dedicated scholars.