Exploring Research Metrics at Mahidol University Research EXpert Portal

              Research metrics, essential for quantifying the impact of scholarly works, cover various levels including the author, article, journal, and institute.

Your Author Metrics: Scopus Citations and H-index: These metrics, showcasing your influence in the field, are prominently displayed on the right of your profile, calculated from your Scopus-indexed works in the Mahidol University portal.

Scopus Citations: The citation count for each article, sourced from Scopus data, is available on the article’s page.

PlumX Widget: This feature provides a detailed view of how each research output is engaged with online, categorizing interactions into five groups for comprehensive analysis.

Altmetric Donut: Represents the breadth and type of attention your research has garnered, with the donut’s colors and size varying based on the source and level of attention.

SDGs in Mahidol University Research EXpert Portal

              The Mahidol University Research EXpert Portal showcases the university’s contributions to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at three levels: University level, Researcher level, and Record level.

University Level: The portal’s homepage highlights Mahidol University’s SDG-related research. Clicking on any SDG icon provides a summary of activities within that specific goal.

Researcher Level: The portal identifies each researcher’s involvement in sustainability areas, with further details accessible through their individual profiles.

Record Level: Research outputs in the portal are tagged with corresponding SDG goals, allowing users to explore Mahidol’s research contributions related to specific SDGs or a combination of goals.