มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล ลงนามความร่วมมือขับเคลื่อนโครงการ Mahidol-Amata Medi-town ร่วมกับ TCELS และร่วมจัดตั้ง Thailand Life Sciences Cluster

Orientation Session for the MU-NCKU Student Virtual Mobility Program 2020

On Wednesday 28th October 2020, Assoc. Prof. Nopraenue Sajjarax Dhirathiti, Ph.D., Vice President for International Relations and Corporate Communication, gave a welcome speech to 17 student participants (9 NCKU students and 8 MU students) at the Orientation Session of the MU-NCKU Student Virtual Mobility Program 2020.

The MU-NCKU Student Virtual Mobility Program 2020 has been developed and run by International Relations Division, Mahidol University, in cooperation with College of Management at National Cheng Kung University (NCKU). The program allows students to integrate with students from other countries in the form of a virtual project-based learning program, and it consists of 2 parts, virtual and physical. The virtual part includes 4 lectures and group work through digital platforms on the assigned topics. The physical part will involve study visits in both countries. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the international travel has had to be cancelled, but the participants will go ahead with the study visits in their own countries and share their experiences online. For this year’s program the theme is “Digital Marketing” and the program will run from 28th October – 4th December 2020.