Mahidol University Student, Academic and International Services (MUSAIS)

How to activate an Internet Account
How to register for the exchange program
Announcement of MUSAIS

[ Welcome to MUSAIS ]

To ensure that all of our international students get the excellent experience that we aim for, Mahidol University has established the Student, Academic and International Services (MUSAIS) Office.

The MUSAIS Office will provide you with the documents and information necessary to allow you to use all of the facilities available to our full-time students, including gym and sports facilities, library and computer facilities, on-campus Wi-Fi, and access to university events and museums.

In addition, we organize art and cultural activities every two months. So if you don’t want to miss a chance to meet friends and learn new things, stay tune with us at Facebook Page: Opinter Mahidol.

You can also email or visit the MUSAIS Office to discuss any problems you might have, to ask for advice or assistance from our staff, or to request information about our facilities and services.


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Mahidol University One-Stop Service, Ground Floor, Mahidol Learning Center
