February News 2022


Online EAT 2022 Successfully Completed the Two-day Program

Online EAT 2022 Successfully Completed the Two-day Program     On the 9th February 2022, 10 Mahidol University students, participated on the first day of the Online EAT 2022, an international online program focusing on exchanging knowledge and experience regarding Asian food and culture. “EAT” or “East Asian Tales of […]

Visit of the Hungarian Ambassador to Thailand

Visit of the Hungarian Ambassador to Thailand   On 7th February 2022, Prof. Banchong Mahaisavariya, President along with Assoc. Prof. Nopraenue Sajjarax Dhirathiti, Vice President for International Relations and Corporate Communication warmly welcomed H.E. Dr. Sándor Sipos, Ambassador Designate of Hungary to Thailand, and Ms. Kamilla Balla, Trade Attache’ at the Office of the President, Mahidol University. On this occasion, the meeting was […]