MUSAIS, in cooperation with Macquarie University, has recently initiated an English Communication Skills Program…
Online Meeting with Swinburne University of Technology

Mahidol – Macquarie Workshop on Improving online teaching and learning: Practical workshops for academics

On Wednesday 21st October 2020, Assoc. Prof. Naeti Suksomboon, Vice President for Academic Affairs, provided opening remarks for the Virtual Workshop on Improving Online Teaching and Learning: Practical workshops Cohort 2, and welcomed 33 participants from 19 faculties, colleges and institutes to the first session of the virtual workshop. The first session was delivered by Prof. Garry Falloon, Professor of STEM Education and Digital Learning, and Director of International Engagement at the School of Education, Macquarie University. The four sessions of this workshop will take place from 21st October – 11th November 2020, via Zoom.