Mahidol University Scholarship for Student Internship,
Fiscal Year  2024

ทุนสนับสนุนการฝึกงาน ณ ต่างประเทศ สำหรับนักศึกษาของมหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล
ประจำปีงบประมาณ 2567


  • Being a Mahidol University undergraduate or postgraduate student with Thai nationality
  • Having the accumulated GPA on the latest enrolled semester for undergraduate students at least 2.75 and graduate students at least 3.00
  • Having an acceptance letter for internship from the host organization with the program duration clearly stated, at least 4 weeks onsite internship
  • Having good English communication skills (a confirmation/verification letter issued by the affiliated Faculty, College, or Institute)

Financial support

    • Asian Region and ASEAN+6 Countries: maximum of THB 25,000
    • American, European and Other Region: maximum of THB 35,000
    • Partial Scholarship, including international airfare, accommodation, allowance, visa, health insurance, registration fees, and other relevant fees.

Application Period

(Application is closed!)

Application is closed!

Mahidol University Internship Scholarship, Fiscal Year 2024

ทุนสนับสนุนการฝึกงาน ณ ต่างประเทศ สำหรับนักศึกษาของมหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล ประจำปีงบประมาณ ๒๕๖๗

*Updated as of 24/10/2023